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FYI: Looking Ahead

From: Van R.
Sent on: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 6:54 PM
Hi Folks,

There is still room to sign up for our September Guice 2.0 meeting next week:


We had to push back the Google Health meeting from October to
November. We will do our best to get the new topic/speakers lined up
for October soon.

Our sister meetup, Silicon Valley Web JUG (Java User Group), is going
to be focusing on the Java Runtime for App Engine at their September
16th meeting in the same room at the same time at Google:


Finally, I want to encourage all of the developers that belong to our
meetup to consider attending Silicon Valley Code Camp in October:


This is the fourth annual code camp being held at Foothill College on
the weekend of October 3-4, 2009. It is a free event and lunch is
included both days thanks to our generous corporate sponsors. You
don't have to be a Java or .NET developer to attend. In fact, we are
looking for more talks on other technologies besides those two areas.
We just happen to get a lot of talks in those areas because the main
organizers come from those communities. There are already more than
100 sessions submitted and about 800 developers signed up to attend.
Anyone that completes the free camp registration can submit their own
sessions too. Please check it out.

That's All Folks, Van

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