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RSVP for next Tuesday's event

From: Laurent
Sent on: Thursday, December 5, 2013, 1:36 PM

Hi team,

We've only got a few more RSVP spots for next Tuesday's #GetRealVan event.  Can you make it?

RSVP here:

This will be our last event for 2013 and features Ray Walia from Launch Academy.

Launch Academy is a start-up incubator that has seen more than 100 companies start in their office... some of which have gone on to be big successes.

He'll be speaking on the topic "Failing Your Way to Success - Converting Failure into Success".

RSVP here:

Hope to see you there,

Laurent, Oliver, Nicole, Paul, Simeon, Robert, Dennis


PS If we don't see you next Tuesday, we all wish you a very happy holidays and a fantastic New Year!

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