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Beautilicious Going Out of Business Sale - Who Wants to Shop for MAKEUP?

From: user 8.
Sent on: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 5:54 PM
BEAUTICILIOUS Salon in Surrey called the Willy Wonka Shop for Makeup carries the most sought after makeup, skin care and perfume lines and is having a BLOW OUT closing down Sale! You can check out some of their goodies at

I just recieved an email from Scarlett their owner and they've decided to turn into a mobile spa and thus have to liquidate their inventory - I smell a great shopportunity! From April 22nd to May 1st they're selling their all of their stock for 40% off, with sale stuff going for over 70% off. They're also practically giving away testers for $5 a piece. The sale also includes brand new inventory from Ed Hardy, SMET, Mina UK and MEK Denim.

I'd like to go out there this Saturday (April 25th) during the day and I'm looking for some ladies to come with! If someone has a car even better, we can all meet up somewhere and chip in for gas.

Please respond to this email if you're interested in going with, what times works best for you and any ideas on transport. They're located at[masked] King George Highway in Surrey.



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