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New Meetup: Rasmus Lerdorf at NolaPHP

From: Barrett C.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 4:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for gnocode!

PLEASE NOTE: This is not our regular monthly meetup. We will have it the 15th as scheduled.

What: Rasmus Lerdorf at NolaPHP

When: Thursday, December 9,[masked]:00 PM

Where: LaunchPad
643 Magazine St. Suite 102
New Orleans, LA 70130

Here's a very special event for all you PHP coders out there. Coders in general actually.

NOLA PHP will host Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP, at their Monthly meeting on December 9th at 7:00 PM.

I'm adding the full description and link below, but you can RSVP to this gnocode event if you don't want to join their meetup.

Here is the full description and link:
"Ok, so we're NOT back on schedule for December. heh. We've changed the date for the December NOLAPHP MeetUp to 12/9 - but we have a VERY GOOD reason!

Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of the PHP programming language, will be joining us as a special guest! He will be in town, and sought out our group to join us for one of our meetups. The topic will most likely be his thoughts on the current state of PHP and where he thinks it's going, following by a QA session.

It's still at LaunchPad @ 7PM, but now on Thursday 12/9. And, for this special occasion, pizza, drinks and beer will be provided."

Barrett M. Conrad

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