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Meetup details changed: FCIP Meetup: Social + Planning - March 2010

From: Ron Z.
Sent on: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 9:23 AM
I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Thursday, March 18,[masked]:00 PM

Topic: Social Gathering + Future Topic Selection
Presenters: Ron Z + everyone there

Lucsious Nectar
222 Linden Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524


We're going to shift gears this month and do something a little different. I admit, I've been just a tad bit busy lately and did not get around to lining up a specific speaker for this month's event.

SO, what we'll do this time is have a social gathering - it's clear we all like hanging out together - at a new location that's more suited to social interaction: the new Luscious Nectar at 222 Linden Street (next to Cazolla's). Join us upstairs for drinks, socializing, and we'll do some brainstorming and voting on future topics for the next few months.

This will be a dandy-good time, and will help me out by lining up topics and speakers for the next few months.

Since it's primarily a social event, DO bring cards to exchange - this will be a good opportunity to network and collaborate on the spot.

As an added bonus I will see if I can arrange for a tour of the two new coworking locations that are within a few blocks: Cohere at 215 Jefferson Street, and The NEW Fort Collins Hive at 117 E Mountain Ave, Suite 222.

I look forward to seeing you on the 18th!

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