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Lego XP Game: King's College London - What to Expect..

From: Anji C.
Sent on: Monday, February 6, 2012, 11:17 AM

Hi All,

This is a mail so everyone knows exactly what to expect from tonight, and can feel totally prepared and can ask if they have any questions.

The hashtag for all GDC events is #GDCldn

The address is: Council Room, 2nd Floor, King's Building, Strand Campus, King's College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS.

Please Note - This event is being held in the Council Room, on the 2nd floor of the King's Building, Strand Campus. Here is an internal map which shows you the location -
Please also see this Google map showing where the campus is:
There will be a plasma screen in reception showing information about the event and where to go. Also there will be someone at the reception desk who will be able to direct you where the Council Room is.

The event will begin at 6pm. Once everyone has arrived and are seated a member of the ThoughtWorks team will open the event and give a brief description of their company before starting the Lego XP event.

At roughly 20:00 after the event we will head over to 'The Waterfront' where we have booked an area (This is the student union bar at King's -§ionTitle=The+Waterfront) for networking.

I think that covers everything - I hope you're all looking forward to it.



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