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Lego XP Event Round Up

From: Barry C.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 7:52 AM
Hi All,

Last night, we had a great event at Kings College London where about 40 undergraduates got a chance to revisit their youth and play with Lego, building pet animals to learn some of the principles of Agile. The results were somewhat varied... some of the animals came out looking beautiful, well constructed and polished, some of the others certainly wouldn't have won any prizes - you all know who you are ;-)

It was a great event, there was a fantastic turn out and a lot of buzz in the room throughout and most importantly everyone got to understand some of the core principles of Agile.

As I mentioned when I opened the event, getting involved in events like this is crucial for your development. The general feeling on the market is that graduates do not finish university 'ready' to enter the market. Events like last night help to prepare you for some of the principles and technologies that you are going to come across when you hit the real world. Talent development is not just about getting a job it's about getting 4-5 job offers and being able to select the right job and package for you. Our next event is happening tomorrow night at Queen Mary University and will be far more focussed around coding itself. I can not recommend it highly enough. We have 50 senior developers signed up and just 6 graduates at this point, sign up here for a chance to meet some of the brightest minds in the industry and find out about Dependency Injection Frameworks. 

We are always looking for new volunteers so if anyone is interested in getting more involved the get in touch directly to discuss how you could help: [address removed]

Here is the event page and the GDC twitter tag: @GDCldn I am really keen to get as much feedback as possible to pass on to everyone involved to ensure we can have similar events in the future.

At RecWorks we are proud to have been able to organise another event for the GDC. RecWorks is a specialist consultancy blending social networks and recruitment services to provide first class service to candidates and clients across London. We are involved in the GDC to try to help connect you with advice, guidance, internships and job opportunities. For a list of our latest jobs please see our jobs page here: contact me directly on [address removed] or follow us on twitter @recworks

We were incredibly lucky to have ThoughtWorks with us, one of the premier global technical consultancies to assist with the event. Katie was able to organise for 8 of their consultants to help out at the event. ThoughtWorks are always looking for the most talented graduates, you can follow them here:!/TWEuropeGrads

Finally a massive thank you to Steffen, Emily and Fatos for organising and co-ordinating the use of the venue. It was a great location and room and we hope to organise many more in the future.

See you all at the next one!

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