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Fwd: Re: Her father shot her in the head as an ‘honour killing,' Feb. 13

From: Kevin S.
Sent on: Saturday, February 20, 2016, 7:37 AM


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Russell Pangborn" <[address removed]>
Date: Feb 20,[masked]:27 AM
Subject: Re: Her father shot her in the head as an ‘honour killing,' Feb. 13

> Was quite angry when writing this one. For some reason the Star chopped out my last sentence – maybe they don’t want the answers or hints given out for my test question.
> Re: Her father shot her in the head as an ‘honour killing,' Feb. 13
> Her father shot her in the head as an ‘honour killing,' Feb. 13
> Speaking as a parent, one of the strongest instincts most of us have is nurturing and protecting our children no matter what the age. In some situations, a number of us would sacrifice our lives to save our children.
> The fact that a religious or cultural influence is responsible for overriding that natural impulse, resulting in one honour killing every 90 minutes somewhere in the world, is an appalling, powerful statistic.
> Saba Qaiser’s father, who brutally beat his daughter, shot her in the head and dumped her in the river, should not be able to avoid jail and walk free while bragging about his misguided principles.
> Canada has a multicultural society and prides itself on accepting all cultures and religions and I am fine with that. But no matter what your religion or culture is you should be able to answer true or false to this statement in a citizenship test: “In some cases a father is justified in killing his daughter when the family reputation is in jeopardy.”
> With a little bit of study, all potential Canadians should know the answer that will get them in the country.   
> Russell Pangborn, Keswick
> Russell Pangborn
> Professor @ School of Information and Communications Technology
> Vice President, Toronto Users Group for Power Systems

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