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New Meetup: Taphouse Happy Hour

From: Laura
Sent on: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 3:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Happy Hour Group!

What: Taphouse Happy Hour

When: Thursday, March 4,[masked]:00 PM

Tap House Grill
1506 6th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101

Come out and make some friends that you'll see again! We're a fun and welcoming group. Plus, the Tap House has over 160 beers on tap! As beer enthusiasts, our goal is to visit other breweries and pubs every other week. We'll be at Taphouse this week at 6:00pm and will probably stay until at least 9:00pm (happy hour food is available until 6:30), so join us when you can. This is a regular event, every Thursday, so if you can't come out this week watch for the details of next week's location. When you arrive, just ask for the Meetup Group (we change rooms each time).

Also note: this event is cross-posted with other groups, so you're looking for a large group!

FYI: The first week of every month is 20% at the Taphouse if you have a Taphouse club card. So sign up for one next time you're there and save!

For more info email: [address removed]

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