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New Meetup: October Meetup : Potluck !

From: David
Sent on: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 5:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Universal Healing Tao :)

What: October Meetup : Potluck !

When: October 29,[masked]:00 PM

2308 Prince Street
Berkeley , CA 94705

Happy Fall Everyone !

So we know that Meditation, and all forms of chi cultivation are good for us. So is eating with the seasons, and so is sharing meals and in the fall and winter.. eating a little earlier.

Let's come together and meet . Eat drink(no alcohol please) and be merry. Bring something that you prepared with love . Be it a soup, a stew, a casserole, a salad or even dessert .

Anything done with the combination of mind, eye , and heart (YI ) , can be Qi Gong. So why not share a meal and get to know each other while celebrating the season !

Also.. for any of you who are interested I will be teaching a simple , easy to learn Qi Gong Form called Enlightenment Qi Gong. The class will be held at 2308 Prince, here in Berkeley. It will be Saturday and Sunday, November 7th and 8th .

The cost for the Class is $150 if you sign up before the end of the month.

Please check the EQG website for more information :

Enlightenment Qi Gong Website .

Hope to see you soon ,


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