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Fwd: DEBRA Process Class on May 18th in Plano EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT

From: Paula B.
Sent on: Saturday, May 3, 2014, 1:41 PM
Greetings, Light Family. I am so excited to let you know that Linda Smith is having another DEBRA class this month. This is a powerful healing modality that I have experienced for myself, so I can testify that it works. Please check out the details below. Hope to see you there!

Surrounding you with my Love and Light,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Linda Smith <[address removed]>

Many people have benefited from a DEBRA clearing which is helping in releasing blocks at all levels in the emotional, physical, mental and energetic bodies.  This simple, easy to learn yet effective process was given to me in 2007 to expand my search for helping others.  In a one day class you can learn to release discordant energy blocks from this and other lifetimes for yourself and others.  Results can be immediate and dramatic.  

Once the simple DEBRA process is learned it can be used to incorporate other healing methods including the Emotional Code technique.  The day will consist of learning and practicing the steps to the DEBRA process with the last hour being devoted to questions and answers as well as ways to use the steps to the DEBRA process with other modalities of clearing. 

Easy step by step charts will be furnished to assist you in competently using the process on your own after the class.   These charts will be furnished in a loose leaf notebook so that you can easily add other methods to your work.  Upon completion of this class you may choose to use this process for yourself, friends and family or you may want to incorporate this in another healing/clearing practice as others have done. 

In the past this one day class was intended for only those who have completed my Be Your Own Guru Dowsing Pendulum class however if you have been using the pendulum and feel competent with it, please contact me for an exception to attend this class.  

Here is the basic info for the class...please see my website for further information.

What:   DEBRA Process Class
When:   May 18th, 2014    9:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Where:  Holiday Inn Express,   700 East Central Parkway, Plano, Tx 75074
Investment:   Before May 15th,  $122.00,  May 15th and after  $144.00

For those who are considering the class but want to know more about the DEBRA clearing technique, I am offering a rarely discount private session for your personal clearing  at $60  (normal cost is $90).  This offer will also be extended to those who have attended the class afterwards until the end of June, 2014.  

Visit the testimonial page of my website also to hear what others have experienced from just one session.  Please feel free to call or email me with any questions.  [masked])

In Joy,  Linda

“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As I AM lifted up ALL Life is lifted up with me. And so it is.”

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