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Fwd: Full Moon Gong Meditation

From: Paula B.
Sent on: Monday, August 4, 2014, 10:04 AM
Greetings, Beloved Ones. Sharon is having another Full Moon Gong Meditation. I love these events and go as often as I can. I think this full moon is another Super Moon, so it is even more powerful than usual. It's time, Dear Ones, to release, release, release all that no longer serves us, which I think is probably 90%+ of our current beliefs and habits. We have to let go of the old to make room for the FABULOUS NEW YOU AND ME that is just waiting to burst forth. Let's open our hearts and our minds and BE THE DIVINE LOVE AND LIGHT THAT WE TRULY ARE!

I love you all and am so excited about sharing this awesome journey with you!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sharon wittmann <[address removed]>
Date: Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 1:58 PM
Subject: Full Moon Gong Meditation
To: sharon wittmann <[address removed]>
Cc: Lauren Lueders <[address removed]>, [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], "Newman, Beth" <[address removed]>, Clyde Goins <[address removed]>, Paula Baldock <[address removed]>, [address removed], mb616 <[address removed]>, Sherry R Boyd <[address removed]>, [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], "chdepue ." <[address removed]>, [address removed], [address removed], Anna Gosling <[address removed]>, [address removed], The Sound Masseuse <[address removed]>, [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], Cynthia McWain <[address removed]>, S Newton <[address removed]>, Cheryl Noel <[address removed]>, [address removed], [address removed], Sharron Raney <[address removed]>, [address removed], [address removed], Edleeca Thompson <[address removed]>, [address removed], Patty Villalobos <[address removed]>, Sherry Evaschuk <[address removed]>, Shonda Winkler <[address removed]>, Tia Wirtanen <[address removed]>

Dear friends,

Full Moon Gong Meditation
When: Sunday Aug 10th at 7:30 pm.
Where: 3852 Belton Dr., Dallas 75287

The full moon is a good time to release that which no longer serves you and embrace new things into your life. Go deep within during this 60 minute gong meditation, relaxing into health and well being. Bring a yoga mat or blanket if you wish to lie down during the meditation.

RSVP required. Space is limited to 15 people.
Suggested Energy Exchange:$20

Hope to see you then!



“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As I AM lifted up ALL Life is lifted up with me. And so it is.”