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Celebrate the equinox TOMORROW at 3:00PM

From: Maya
Sent on: Saturday, September 20, 2014, 10:50 AM
Inline image 1

  • Sunday, September 21, 2014

    3:00 PM

  • Wendy and Mark's home

    40 A Tremont Ave, Patchogue, NY

    • Please RSVP at

    • Some of you might know that Mark and I celebrate Nature-Based Spirituality. Commonly known as Pagan or Wiccan, I prefer the term PANTHEIST. We are opening our home to honor the changing of the seasons as the darkness of the approaching fall overtakes the light of summer on the autumnal equinox. This holiday is also called Mabon as related to the Celtic holidays. We are inviting you to come join us at our home this Sunday. Below is a copy of the official invitation that we have sent to our coven. If you are interested just give us a call for more information. Mabon at Mark and Wendy's Rainbow Home

      We shall be hosting Mabon at our home on September 21st at 3:00 P.M., Ritual at 4:00 P.M. 
      Some of you know that I had hip surgery last week and the surgery went very well. Then, just as I was thinking of what the ritual theme would be a staple remover came in the mail. Next week a Nurse will come and remove the staples from my hip. From this event it came to me what our theme would be: The Tools In Our Lives That Have Helped Us! We have all gone through tough times in our lives and have had tools that have helped us get through them. These tools might not necessarily be a physical item. They can be the voice of a certain person; a song even a food or drink. The tool can be something that is just personal to you in your life or a tool that that you want to spread around the world. I will not share my staple remover with you.

      Mark and I look forward to having you with us. 

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