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Last chance to see Dr T this Sunday.

From: Jillian L.
Sent on: Saturday, September 20, 2014, 9:49 PM
We are just finishing up the September tour for the skin clinic and I
wanted to make sure every was aware of a last chance to see him at
this last minute location we just arranged since our original spot at
Blu Firmament fell through.
There will be walk ins and appointments available Sunday Sept 21!!  Dr
T will be in Brooklyn this Sunday at Chabad of Flatbush at 1923 ocean
ave from 2-4:30 you are welcome to just show up but it would be great
if you know your coming if you can sign up for an appointment here:­


Revolutionary Raw Conscious Cuisine Bay Area Meet Up Group.
East Bay Raw Food Meet Up Group
Join The Communities Here:
USA phone[masked]

"We are what we repeatedly do.
 Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.”
Dr. Suess

"'s a matter of switching gears, never looking back, and BECOMING
that person today that you always dreamed you'd be. Entertain every
thought, say every word, and make every decision from their point of
view. Walk the way they would, dress the way they would dress, and
spend your free time the way they would spend theirs. Choose the
friends they would choose, eat the meals they would eat, and love and
appreciate yourself the way they would.
These steps MUST come in order for there to be change. There's no
other option, no other way... But, since that person is who you REALLY
are, that makes this assignment downright effortless. Just stop being
who you aren't."
     ~The Universe

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