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New Meetup: Gilroy Garlic Festival

From: Lauren
Sent on: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 11:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for 35ish-65ish Bay Area Hikers, Daytrippers and Playful People!

What: Gilroy Garlic Festival

When: July 26,[masked]:30 AM

Gilroy Garlic Festival @ Christmas Hill Park
7050 Miller Ave
Gilroy, CA 95020

Hi Y'all:

Let's go to this yearly food festival and wander around and sample their wares. This is a once a year event. Details and link follow. I borrowed the write-up from Kathleen's group who are going on Saturday. I'm working Saturday so let's go on Sunday. It runs from 10am to 6pm-ish and costs $12/proceeds go to charity. Buy your ticket on line in advance or bring cash to spend at the gate. All the food and drink costs money so bring enough cash for that too. I'm not going to charge for this meetup since there is already a fee.

Let's carpool from Brendan's on the Westside at 9:00am, we'll wait 10 minutes for any late-comers. - if you are coming from Santa Cruz. If you are coming from another location, post in the comment section, where you are coming from, if you want to be a rider or a driver and how many spots in your car. It's an hour from Santa Cruz and it will be a mob scene. We'll have to use the festival parking and then ride a shuttle to the site. Once we get there - Let's meet anyone coming from locations other than Santa Cruz, towards the back of the crowd at the Gazebo State to catch Cindy Harvel, an Americana music performer, at 10:30am. Her set runs 45 minutes, but I've never heard her, but we'll stay for at least the first 15 minutes of it. I'll be wearing a green floppy hat and red ray bans. Wear shorts as it will be really hot like as not.

he 31st Annual ?Ultimate Summer Food Fair?; three days of incredible food, arts and crafts, live entertainment, and cooking demonstrations. The Gilroy Garlic Festival was established to provide benefits to local worthy charities and non-profit groups by promoting the community of Gilroy through a quality celebration of Garlic.

Adult General Admission $12, Children (ages 6-12) $6 (under 6 ? free), Seniors (60+) $6
Tickets: one per person, per each day attending.
Cash only is accepted at the gate. ATMs are available at most gates.
Advance tickets available online after June 1st at

The admission price includes parking, musical entertainment, cooking demonstrations, and a children?s area. Festival guests purchase food and beverages from the vendors. Prices range from $2 to $12 depending on the item, which is a full-size serving, not a sample.

Parking is Free with a shuttle running from the parking lot to festival grounds.

Learn more here:

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