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New Meetup: Waterfront Hike/Lighted Boat Parade

From: Lauren
Sent on: Monday, November 2, 2009, 11:21 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for 35ish-65ish Bay Area Hikers, Daytrippers and Playful People!

What: Waterfront Hike/Lighted Boat Parade

When: December 5,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $1.00 per person

Intersection of Gharkey and West Cliff
Corner of Gharkey and West Cliff
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

We'll meet on Gharkey St. Near West Cliff, walk down past the Boardwalk, not on it, I'll have the dog with me. Across the Rail bridge and out along East Cliff Past the Whale Museum, along the beach to the jetty, around the Yacht Harbor culminating at the Crow's Nest. I think there will be hot apple cider for sale, bring money if we decided to get something at the Crow's Nest or at Cafe El Palomar. Watch the boat Parade. It starts around 5pm, I think it's dark that early as it's early December, dress really warm, stocking caps, gloves, mufflers. It can be quite cold. After the boat parade we'll walk back or share a cab, group conscience. It's gotta be at least 2 or 3 miles out there and 2 or 3 miles back if we hoof it back.

Hope you all can come - this is a very seasonal event. There will be singing and music coming from the the boats. :)

Bring $1 for organizer.

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