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Future DADA Meetups

From: delma
Sent on: Sunday, July 25, 2010, 8:10 PM
It is time to set the calendar for the next several months.

Do you have a suggestion for a Meetup? Something new that we have never done? Or, would you like to repeat a favorite? If so, email me with your ideas!

Do you have suggestions for discussion? We recently spent many months discussing Deathly Hallows. Would you like to start the discussion at the beginning of the series? Do you have an idea for a new discussion? Would you like to revisit a previous discussion? (fanfic? character? book? movie? theme?) Email me!

Do you know of a HP event that would be of interest? Email me!

Would you like to volunteer (!!) to lead or plan an event? It could be a craft, video viewing, camping trip, or discussion. If so, email me with your ideas and the date (or time frame) you would like.

Kate and I are meeting soon to set our calendar. So, email now ([address removed])- so your ideas are given first priority!

Take care,
Minister of Magic