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Next Dallas IBD Meetup is Wednesday, 6/23 7 pm - RSVP here

From: Charlotte Hudgin 2.
Sent on: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 7:50 PM
If the market is not in a clear trend, your best bet is to prepare for a break either way.

In this month's IBDMeetup, we will cover:

  • Market direction and strategy for the uncertainty
  • IBD's NEW CUP definition
  • IBD's Shorting checklist
  • IBD 100 stocks to watch or buy now

Thus far, we have the following stocks to review (suggested by attendees):

Bidu, YUM, WINN,
Harris Corp, HRS, to sell
Citrix Systems CTXS, Prospective employer, Sandisk SNDK seeking to buy and
Atheros Communications ATHR, seeking to buy

Please send stocks you'd like reviewed by Monday night. I may not able to fit them all in, but I will get as many as possible.

Wishing You "Many happy returns,"
Charlotte Hudgin

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