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Member Connections...

From: user 6.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 11:44 PM
Hey Everyone; as I meet and personally get to know more of our members; I will be promoting professional connections within the group.

So, I would like to take just a quick minute to introduce you to one of our members? Nancy Gordon is originally from London and has worked as a Realtor for the past nine years. She is a RE/MAX Agent providing residential & commercial real estate services throughout the Capitol Region and holds Associate Broker licenses in DC, VA, and MD. Nancy works primarily from her company's Georgetown and McLean offices. However, she can meet clients at any other RE/MAX locations or at any convenient location.

I know we have a lot of members who have recently moved to the area and am sure there are other members who might find her services of great value. I have personally met Nancy and not only is she very professional? she is also a wonderful person.

Nancy is well established in the local real estate community not only representing families and individuals who have lived in the area a long time but also those new to the area and people with special requirements. Also, as one who has moved to the area from aboard, she fully understands how to help those new to the area become familiar with the local real estate market and processes, enabling clients to feel at ease and ultimately find the best property to suit their needs and circumstances. Nancy can help you connect with related service providers such and mortgage lenders, who are willing to provide advice on product options and availability.

Nancy is available to provide advice whether you have current real estate needs or you have friends or family that needs assistance now or in the future. So whether you are Moving In and Out of the DC Capital Region? OR Wanting to Explore Investment Property Opportunities? Please contact her to see how she can help.

Nancy is an agent with RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE The #1 RE/MAX Company in the World
Equal Housing Opportunity

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