

Enjoy Hiking? Looking to meet new people? Want to make new friends? Join Us!

Group Guidelines

  1. You want to meet new people (singles, networking, friends, etc). You don't have to be single to join!
  2. You are nice and not a creeper; stalkers will be booted.
  3. Dogs are welcome as long as the location allows it. Please keep them on a leash.
  4. Do not join if you attend to sell your wares to members. You will be removed.

Rescheduling, Cancellations and Extreme Weather Policy
I'm not a afraid of a little weather, but most people tend to bail on events if there is a chance of rain in Atlanta. We also schedule some events that can create safety risks for attendees if it rains. Your organizers reserve the right to cancel, reschedule and/or change meetup locations at any time if attendance is low or weather looks likely. We'll make every attempt to update events and schedule an alternate meeting place if possible. Thanks for your understanding.

Participate at your own risk
The Chattahoochee Trail Hikers Meetup assumes no liability associated with meetup events and meetup members, including: injuries, parking fees, event fees, food, drinks, medical bills, loss of property, theft, parking mishaps, towing fees and/or any other negative thing that might happen. In a nutshell: We organize events to help you meet people and make new friends. That's all we are responsible for. By RSVPing and attending our events, you waive all rights to make any legal claim against Meetup and this group's organizers. You are responsible for yourself and your own safety!