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Re: [Business-English-for-Japanese-Workshops­-Seminars] Tomorrow`s Meetup: Live Streaming Anyone?

From: Tommyyama
送信済み 2014年11月15日土曜日 8:25
Hi Paul,

Thank you for your share.Sounds interesting topic.
If I can make it tomorrow, I hope to join you.

Otherwise, did you have archives for past seminars so that I can see them later when I can make it?


Tommy Yamano 
Cell Phone (电话号码) :[masked]
Skype ID: yomiuri4646
Twitting here: @America_tommy

On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 6:57 AM, paul <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

About 10 people are joining tomorrow to ACTION Learn McKinsey`s 7-S Framework.

This is an important tool for understanding what makes a great organization. Its not as difficult as it may sound, you can even use it with your family!

I hope even more will decide to show up so I have developed some worksheets to simplify things so we can focus on DISCUSSION and Action Learning.

Also, I have figured out how to use google hangouts to Live Stream the Meetup to anyone who can't join in person.

Is anyone interested? It takes some work to set up but even if one or two people would like to participate remotely or just watch the ACTION I will set it up and send you the link.


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