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New Meetup: Let's Enjoy a Tasty Champagne Brunch

From: user 6.
送信済み 2008年10月7日火曜日 13:30
Announcing a new Meetup for Fun With Wine!

What: Let's Enjoy a Tasty Champagne Brunch

When: October 19,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $40.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Brunch is a tasty and relaxing weekend meal in many foreign countries.

At this event, we'll make tasty brunch favorites like Belgian waffles topped with whipped cream and blueberries, Spanish omelet and fruit smoothies.

We'll also make popular brunch champagne cocktails like Bellini (champagne and peach nectar) and Mimosa (champagne and orange juice).

Our brunch event in Aug. got a great response and filled up quickly so I decided to schedule another one for people who couldn't come in Aug. I added new dishes to the menu so members who came to the event in Aug. can enjoy this one as well.

If you would like to cook the dishes together, please come at 11 am. If you just want to enjoy the food, drinks and conversation, please come at 12 pm. The event will finish at 2:30 pm.

(Note about the event fee: $40 means 4,000 Yen.)

Learn more here: