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New Meetup: Let's make fresh spring rolls and other Thai dishes

From: user 6.
送信済み 2008年10月21日火曜日 13:01
Announcing a new Meetup for Fun With Wine!

What: Let's make fresh spring rolls and other Thai dishes

When: November 8,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $40.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Thai food is spicy, colorful and tasty. At this event, we'll learn how to make tasty and colorful Thai food like fresh spring rolls (生春巻), spicy basil chicken stir fry (青い唐辛子とバジルのチキン炒め), and Thai curry. Everyone can roll their own spring rolls with their favorite ingredients. After cooking, we'll enjoy our tasty dishes with wine, beer and other drinks.

You can help make the dishes if you like, or just come to eat and have fun!

We'll prepare recipes for all dishes so you can try them at home after the party!

(Note about the event fee: $40 means 4,000 Yen.)

Learn more here: