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New Meetup: Let's enjoy Cappuccino and tasty homemade sweets

From: user 6.
送信済み 2008年10月22日水曜日 10:55
Announcing a new Meetup for Fun With Wine!

What: Let's enjoy Cappuccino and tasty homemade sweets

When: October 24,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $15.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: At this event, we'll make Cappuccino, Latte, Vienna Coffee (ウィーンコーヒー) and tasty desserts that are easy to make without an oven, such as apples baked in cinnamon and brandy topped with vanilla ice cream (this one is so delicious and you can easily make it in your toaster oven!), milk shakes, etc.

After you learn how to make the coffee drinks you can make them easily at home with simple and inexpensive items from Tokyu Hands or other life goods shops.

(Note: $15 means 1,500 Yen)

Learn more here:
