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New Meetup: Let's enjoy paella (paeriya) and other Spanish tapas

From: user 6.
送信済み 2008年11月10日月曜日 12:37
Announcing a new Meetup for Fun With Wine!

What: Let's enjoy paella (paeriya) and other Spanish tapas

When: November 14,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $40.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Spanish food is colorful, tasty and fun. At this event, we'll make paella (パエリヤ), clams and sausage in spicy tomato sauce and other delicious tapas. We'll enjoy our Spanish wine, beer and sangria.

You can help make the dishes if you like, or just come to eat, drink and have fun!

Join us for an evening of great Spanish food, drinks and conversation with other gourmet fans from around the world!

The event lasts from 7 to 9:30 pm. Tapas and drinks will be available until the end of the event.

(Note about the event fee: $40 means 4,000 Yen.)

Learn more here:
