
FREE Weekly Meditation Series: Healing the Inner Child

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Hosted By
Conscio J.
FREE Weekly Meditation Series: Healing the Inner Child


Embark on a transformative journey of inner healing with our free, weekly meditation series focusing on the different aspects of the inner child. Each week, we'll guide you through a gentle meditation specifically designed to address and heal wounds related to a particular caregiver or relationship.

All sessions will be held online via Jitsi at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM JST.

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024: Healing Mother Wounds Meditation
We all carry the imprint of our relationship with our mothers within us. In this introductory session, we'll guide you through a soothing meditation to gently explore and release any emotional burdens or resentments associated with your mother figure. This meditation focuses on healing the wounds left by unmet needs, absence, or challenging dynamics with mother figures, fostering a sense of nurturing and self-compassion.

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024: Healing Father Wounds Meditation
The bond with our fathers shapes our sense of security and self-worth. This session aims to mend the emotional gaps and conflicts related to father figures, empowering you to reclaim your sense of authority and self-esteem.

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024: Healing Sibling Wounds Meditation
Our siblings are often our first companions and confidantes. This meditation will help you explore and heal any negative dynamics or unresolved conflicts from your relationship with siblings.

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024: Finding Forgiveness Meditation
Conclude the month with a powerful session on forgiveness, a crucial step in inner child healing. This meditation guides you through the process of forgiving yourself and others, releasing resentment and pain, and paving the way for emotional freedom and inner peace.

What to Expect:

  • A welcoming and supportive environment: Our online sessions are designed to create a safe space for you to explore your inner world with gentle guidance.
  • Guided meditation: Each week, we'll lead you through a specifically designed meditation to address the theme of the session.
  • Emotional Healing and Release: These sessions aim to facilitate a deep emotional release, helping you to let go of old wounds, grievances, and unresolved emotions related to your family dynamics. This process is crucial for healing your inner child and moving forward with greater peace and self-acceptance.
  • Opportunity for reflection: We'll provide prompts for personal reflection after each meditation to deepen your insights.
  • Optional sharing (microphone and camera off): Feel free to keep your microphone and camera off during the session

No prior meditation experience is necessary! This series is open to everyone who is interested in exploring the power of meditation and fostering inner healing.

About the Facilitator
Fristy Tania

Fristy is your guide on this journey of inner child healing. A seasoned meditation instructor and a certified Law of Attraction Practitioner by Joe Vitale of "The Secret" fame, Fristy is a passionate advocate for inner child healing.

Raised in a low-to-mid-income household in Indonesia, she shouldered the weight of responsibility as the eldest daughter. A "trophy child," Fristy excelled academically, securing scholarships and accumulating achievements. However, the pressure from her family's financial struggles and internal dynamics took a toll. Unhealed wounds from her parents, often described as "adult children" themselves, created a cycle of intergenerational trauma.

In 2017, Fristy married and moved to Japan, seeking a fresh start. Yet, this newfound freedom also brought deeper self-discovery. Repressed emotions and past experiences resurfaced, leading to personal struggles that impacted her job, finances, and relationships. Facing a critical turning point, Fristy made a courageous decision to embark on a path of inner child healing.

This rock bottom became the catalyst for change. Fristy embarked on a path of inner child healing. Through this journey, she not only addressed her personal traumas but also witnessed a positive shift in her financial situation and relationships. After years of intensive therapy, Fristy achieved a sense of peace with her childhood and found a place of forgiveness.

Today, Fristy is a passionate facilitator, driven by her own experience. She is a testament to the power of inner child healing and its ability to unlock personal transformation and well-being. Now her mission is to create a safe and supportive space for others to explore their own inner world.

Join us for this free series and embark on a path to greater self-compassion and emotional well-being!

Photo of Japan Conscious Living Hub group
Japan Conscious Living Hub

Every week on Wednesday until June 26, 2024
