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From: lauren s.
送信済み 2014年8月18日月曜日 20:52

Hello All, I really can highly recommend our snowflake study sessions! and I have some added incentives for the group.!

If you took the first snowflake course and are an Alumni= you can retake the course again (it is like a spiral so it is very good to do it more than once) at a significant discount - 2013SNOWFLAKERS- 8,500 yen.

If you attended the Spring retreat and or have been to 10 or more events since april 2014 you are a TWS frequent writer (with membership cards pending) and you can take the snowflake course for 10,000 yen.

Newer members or first time snowflakers- need to pay the full fee but I 100% feel confident it is worth it and you will find it to be money very well spent!

We have 1 official spot left but if there is increased interest I will take up to 13 people. So please join the waiting list and I will approve the first 3 people beyond the limit.

