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Call for presentors

From: lauren s.
送信済み 2014年8月14日木曜日 16:53

HI All, work is underway for our Fall Retreat! I will close registration at 20 confirmed guests so get your spot asap. as it is filling up!

I am happy to announce that Hugh Ashton will be back as a guest instructor for our fall retreat. And perhaps Baye though I am waiting to confirm with him. They will present some different topics from the spring retreat- no fear of repeats AND Erik S. has agreed to do a session on story telling (yeah!)

I would like to have 2 more sessions by guest presentors- Do you have something to share? Something that you think would benefit the group on writing process, idea generation, character or plot development, Poetry Writing, non-fiction writing, self publishing, ebook creation, traditional publishing.... whatever you think will make a compelling presentation? Please submit your idea to me by email [address removed]

As we are razor thin on margins to pay for our big retreats- I cannot offer an honorarium for your efforts BUT I will offer to pay your train fair down- (minus that from your total due to the event) and guest presentors get two free drink tickets as well for use at the Flying Sumo for the weekend. (small token I know but I hope it helps) and of course you get our undying gratitude!

I hope you will consider sharing your knowledge with the group!

Let me know

sincerely,- Lauren