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Pre Valentine Event

From: Dolores
Sent on: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 1:46 PM
Hi Everyone,

Those of you who have RSVP'd for the Pre Valentine Event organized by my former Assistant Organizer, Ryan J, February 7th will probably soon get a notice from him. The event has NOT been canceled; however, it's wavering on not being a Los Angeles Jazz Meetup Group event. Inasmuch as, (1) it's more of an 80's Music Theme. Not to be a stickler, (2) I just preferred that it was organized with my knowledge first so that it would not eclipse my Valentine's Jazz Event. Those of you who are interested in attending Ryan J's have a great time at The Busby and those of you, singles and couples, interested in hearing some great Jazz, Blues and R&B from world renowned musicians, stop by on Valentine's Day for great food and drink. Information is included at our Calendar site. Maybe someone will inspire Ryan J to start up an 80's Music Meetup Group if there isn't one out there as yet.... SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC!

This is a great group. I'm fortunate to have very supportive Assistant Organizers to help with a myriad of events.... i.e. some cross genre music... yes, that's what I said.... we cross all barriers.... Intertwining Jazz, with Latin, Smooth Jazz, Blues, R&B, Funk, Salsa and a couple of theater themed Jazz events... like one now being coordinated to be co-hosted by a dear friend who has a singles / wine enthusiast meetup group. More information to come.

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