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Fwd: This Week at Jazz Cafe

From: Dave L.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 5:11 PM
-----Original Message-----
From: Jazz Cafe Detroit <[address removed]>
To: jazzmandol <[address removed]>
Sent: Tue, Feb 4,[masked]:01 pm
Subject: This Week at Jazz Cafe

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Jazz Cafe
Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts
350 Madison Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48226
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Up and Coming at Jazz Cafe

Craig Huckaby

February 6, 8pm FREE!!!

Imani Winds 
Presented by Chamber Music Society of Detroit
Friday, February 7, 2014 at 8pm   
Tickets: $60 for premium seats, $40 for regular seats, $50 day of concert  
More than North America's premier wind quintet, Imani Winds has established itself as one of the most successful chamber music ensembles in the United States. Since 1997, the Grammy-nominated quintet has taken a unique path, carving out a distinct presence in the classical music world with its dynamic playing, culturally poignant programming, adventurous collaborations,and inspirational outreach programs. With two member composers and a deep commitment to commissioning new work, the group is enriching the traditional wind quintet repertoire while meaningfully bridging European, American, African and Latin American traditions.

Music Hall can positively boast that we have the best jazz season of any performing arts center in the Midwest of America. By supporting the Jazz Café Jazz Masters Series, you will share the spotlight (because you will be sitting so close) with all the Jazz legends. Please contact our Development Department at[masked] be included in our mailings and ask how you can participate in keeping Detroit the center of jazz creation and legendary presentation.
Detroit Music Hall

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Detroit Music Hall | 350 Madison Avenue | Detroit | MI | 48226

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