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Nodeschool Seoul 커뮤니티 활동가분들의 대화는 Gitter(https://gitter.im/nodeschool/seoul)에서 이뤄지고 있습니다. 현재까지 예정된 오프라인 워크샵은 없으며 다만 멘토에 관심있는 분들끼리 워크샵을 열어보기 위해 모임을 갖고자 의견을 나누는 중입니다. 관심있는 분들은 Github IssueGitter에 참여하세요!

Nodeschool is an global opensource initiative to help people learn JavaScript, Node.js, functional programming and much more. Whether you want start with programming, you're curious to know what this JavaScript thing is all about, get more familiar with backend development trough Node.js or just want to hack away with like minded and kind people, you can find it all here. Join for free and see you at the next meeting!

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