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New Meetup: Happy hour at Barrio (St. Paul) and free outdoor Maria Isa concert

From: Jose
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2009, 2:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Latin and Brazilian Music Meetup!

What: Happy hour at Barrio (St. Paul) and free outdoor Maria Isa concert

When: August 20,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)


Happy hour at Barrio (St. Paul) and free outdoor Maria Isa concert

Join us for an evening of conversation, music, food, and drinks! Maria Isa, a local Latina Hip Hop artist will be performing an outdoor free show at wonderful Mears Park, in Downtown St. Paul, on Thursday, August 20th to close out their Music in Mears summer. We?ll be meeting at Barrio Tequila Bar?s new St. Paul location at 6 p.m., which has a view of the park. Afterward, we?ll make our way across the street to the park to see Maria Isa.

Hope to see you there!

Re?nanse con nosotros para una noche de conversaci?n, m?sica, comida, y bebidas! Mar?a Isa, una cantante Latina de aqu? mismo tendr? un concierto gratuito para celebrar el ultimo concierto de Music in Mears el Jueves 20 de Agosto en Mears Park, situado en el Centro de St. Paul. Nos reuniremos en Barrio Tequila Bar en St. Pablo(cual tiene una maravillosa vista al parque) a las 6 de la tarde. Despu?s, iremos al concierto en el parque.

Espero verlos ah?!

Maria Isa:

Mears Park:

Barrio Tequila Bar:

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