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Greg preview and pass on if you approve of my rant

From: Keith R
Sent on: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 4:04 PM
To Whoever,

OK I am all for kicking the federal government out of KY but in the same 
breath we need a national bond. I think all true supporters of liberty 
should push to put into office people on a state who will fight against 
federal government intervention at the state level. I have tired more 
than a few times to put the Ron Paul movement in the Lexington area 
fully behind Gatewood Galbraith for reasons of freedom. I don't know if 
anyone even knows this but Gatewood is one of very few people in our 
state who was a invited guest to dine with Ron Paul in the past and is a 
friend to Ran his son. Gatewood was also the only state wide known 
politician of any clout to support Ron Paul openly in the state. Seems 
if we are going to limit the power of government on the states we are 
going to have to do it state to state. We are going to have to start 
with our state and get it in the national headline and focus. It is time 
we show the rest of the country that a state can stand on it's own and 
that it can shed the shackles of the federal mandate that break poor 
states and keep their populations dumbed down. We can rally the call for 
personal freedoms for the people, fair market trade, wise use of a 
states resources, and much more. Why should Kentucky, which has a wealth 
of exports to offer the nation settle for taking less for our goods and 
resources because we are a poor state? Why should our law enforcement 
dollars be spent fighting a battle on Marijuana and Hemp? Why should we 
continue to allow doctors to over prescribe medication unpunished? Why 
should we allow our agri-land to be wasted on tobacco when produce and 
meats provide more wealth and stability in the future? Why should our 
state be forced to dill when we can grow our fuel cheaper than we can 
pump it? How come our children are forced to have a substandard 
education due to federal government guideline? One last thing, how come 
we have to feel like we are always looking over our shoulder for big 
brother in one of the freest states in the union?


PS please someone, who else on a state wide level do we have but Gatewood?