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New Meeting: NYC Fights the Income Tax

From: Jubair
Sent on: Monday, March 3, 2008, 8:20 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Greater NYC Ron Paul Action Group Manhattan+!

What: NYC Fights the Income Tax

When: Saturday, March 8, 4:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: "The response to England's Stamp Act was more THE REACTION OF COMMON COLONISTS than that of their presumed leaders... Both loyal supporters of English authority and well-established colonial protest LEADERS UNDERESTIMATED THE SELF-ACTIVATING CAPACITY OF ORDINARY COLONISTS. By the end of 1765 PEOPLE IN THE STREETS HAD ASTOUNDED, DISMAYED, AND FRIGHTENED THEIR SOCIAL SUPERIORS." -Historian Gary B. Nash

The time has come once again to hit the streets for the Ron Paul Revolution. April 15th is around the corner and the income tax is on everyone's mind. By March 15th we should be out on street corners, in parks and working public transportation to remind everyone that the federal income tax is the largest expense in most Americans' budgets.

Ron Paul is still campaigning around the United States to spread his message, and he is daily battling the income tax. People are STILL joining the revolution every day. But they are not joining because his supporters are standing idly by letting him do all the work. People are accepting the truth and have become committed to restoring the Constitution because citizens everywhere are raising their voices for this cause.

This Saturday there will be a meeting at the Ron Paul HQ. We have much work to do. In addition to creating literature to hand out, we have to come up with different ideas to maximize our visibility. Greg Tomko had the great idea of standing in front of H&R Block to advocate for the abolishment of the income tax. Although we have no primary or presidential candidate to campaign for at this moment, we still have our liberties to protect. Common citizens in the eighteenth century raised a tumult in response to what they thought was an unjust tax, and as you can see above, they commanded attention.

The meeting will begin at 4:00PM (it can be changed if needed) for all willing to continue spreading Ron Paul's message. He is dedicated to spreading the word of freedom and constitutional government. We must follow his example and not let ourselves fall into the lethargy we experienced just one year ago. We must not let his primary loss in New York diminish our efforts to spread the word. Just one year ago he set out on this campaign and literally millions of Americans took notice. It is now our turn to catch the attention of millions more. There are still elections this fall, local elections and Congressional elections in 2010.

If we do nothing to spread the word, if we do nothing to keep the wave of momentum Ron Paul has conjured, we will do no better in the election process at any time in the future. The message he conveys has the awesome power of curing people of their political apathy. Do not think for a moment that this campaign against the income tax will be in vain. It will be a continuation of the Ron Paul Revolution here in New York.

- Drew

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." Thomas Jefferson

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