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From: Michelle
Sent on: Friday, September 3, 2010, 4:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for BIODANZA, Baltimore/Takoma Park/Washington, DC!


When: Tuesday, September 7,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $20.00 per person

Where: Liz Lerman Dance Exchange
7117 Maple Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Expressive games and movement class for
Moms/Dads/Caretaker & Tots
What is Biodanza for kids??
Biodanza is new in the USA and I am the first person in the US to facilitate classes for kids on the East Coast.? I am very excited to be offering these fun movement classes for tots in Takoma Park at The Exchange.

Kids especially love the freedom of Biodanza where they can express their inner creativity through movement.? It's a safe space where they can access their joy, spontaneity and creativity.? Weekly classes can improves coordination and motor skills, develops flexibility and increases capacity for action and rest.? The learn social skills and how to adapt to new situations.? And, they love having YOU there, too!
We start the hour off with some fun games we play with eachother, then go on adventures in our hour of movement together, like "to the beach", "on safari", "to the magic kingdom".? At the end of each class we have the opportunity to draw our adventure which we save at home and are able to reflect upon during the week.
Parent and child have this unique opportunity to dance together, bond together and most importantly, have FUN together.?
Come bond with your child as you discover new worlds and adventures
through Biodanza dances and games !
Hope to see you all there!

Who:? Moms/Dads & Tots? - babies to 5 yrs
(blind/deaf/physically challenged are all welcome to this class - but call me if you would like to discuss anything)
Day in Takoma Park:? on Tuesdays: Sept 7, 14, 21, 28; Oct 5, 12, 19, 26; Nov 2, 9 = 10 classes
Time in Takoma Park:? 10am to 11am?
Venue in Takoma:? Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, 7117 Maple Ave, Takoma Park (blocks from metro and near CVS; Free parking available)

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