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Furry Scurry

From: Robert C.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 10:49 PM

WOW!!!!  How impressive is the Corgi Crew?  Over $5000 raised for homeless pets.  We are awesome!  I was going to bribe everyone with DONUTS but I guess all I need to do is remind you that I will be bringing donuts so be sure and leave a little room in the old breadbasket for a tasty treat.  Also, the team area provides fruit and other nourishing (boring) snacks prior to the walk starting at 9:00.

Thank you so very much to everyone that has joined up and helped us reach our highest total yet.  Aren't you looking forward to seeing, and hearing unfortunately, that many corgis all together?  Did I say I was bringing DONUTS?  I am.  So if you haven't signed up yet please get on it.  You only have 2 days left to help raise our total and eclipse the $6000 mark, and partake in a real short legged, butt wigglin, donut eatin, barkin good time.  Thanks again.  See you Saturday!
