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Bi MEN - please help! - Get your FREE personalized report about your love & attachment styles...

From: user 2.
Sent on: Saturday, April 7, 2012, 1:15 PM
Currently we are still recruiting BISEXUAL MEN for an important and interesting online research study about intimate relationships - at present this group is under-represented. Please help by adding your voice! In exchange, get your FREE personalized love and attachment style results!

I'm a doctoral student completing my dissertation at the University of Toronto, Canada, to learn more about love and attachment styles and experiences in intimate relationships, inclusive of various sexual orientations and genders.

Must be 18+ years old and experienced at least one or more of the following at some point in your life: sexual activity, dating, being in love, or involvement in a romantic relationship(s).

Takes about 15-20 minutes.

This study has been approved by the University of Toronto Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Board.

Please click the link below to take the survey.

Thanks for your time!
Lisa Couperthwaite, M.A.
Doctoral Student & Lead Researcher


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