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FW: Project Update #8: MAKE Chasing Robert Barker - MOVIE by Daniel Florencio

From: Adriana P.
Sent on: Sunday, March 10, 2013, 2:52 PM

Project Update #8: LAST WEEK!!!! 40% to go!!!! We're on the PRESS!!!

Posted by Daniel Florencio Like
Dear backers,
First of all, I want to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU for bringing us this far. Thanks for parting with your money and believing in this project.
We're reaching the decisive moments of this campaign. We have only a week left to raise the remaining 40%. If we don't reach 100% of what we asked, we don't get anything!
While we're already grateful for you in taking part in this, I'll ask you one mor thing. To try and reach at least one more person to contribute to the campaign!

If each one of you get at least ANOTHER backer, we'll reach our target EASILY!

So that's my mission to you!!  :)
And all this past week, we've been ALL OVER THE PRESS in Brazil!!
All of the major newspapers wrote about the film and our Kickstarter campaign... And I even gave a live interview for Rádio Estadão in São Paulo.
Here are some links...
They wrote about us on Folha de São Paulo:
They wrote about us on O Globo as well. We're next to Adele:
And this morning, we were also on O Tempo, from Belo Horizonte:

Managing your pledge!

Some people ask me, "What if I want to give more? What do I do?". First of all, if you want to increase your contribution, MANY, MANY thanks!!!! On these last days of the campaign, that's much appreciated!
It's very simple! On the campaign page, you'll find this button here:
Simply click it, and you'll go to the pledge page, where you can increase the amount you want to give and choose a different reward.
Thank you very much!

Aumentando sua contribuição!

Algumas pessoas tem perguntado, "E se eu quiser contribuir com mais? Como eu faço?". Se você já contribui e quer aumentar sua contribuição, MUITÍSSIMO OBRIGADO!!
É muito simples! Na página do projeto você vai achar esse botão aqui:

É só clicar nele e você vai pra página onde você indica o valor que quer contribuir, aí é só aumentar o valor, se necessário escolher uma nova recompensa e é isso!!
Muito obrigado!
Daniel Florêncio
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