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From: Gary Z.
Sent on: Friday, May 1, 2015, 1:46 PM

Hello Authors!

A couple of updates of interest to you!



There's still time to vote for your choices in the March Main Line Writers Group Wirters Contest. These are all members that have submitted work on the topic of..well, work. To vote, go to and clip the tab CONTEST. The password is NillaWafers (case sensitive). Read all the entries marked March and don;t forget to click the link Older Posts at the very bottom of the page. Then vote by opening the March 6 posting and copying the survey link into your web browser. You need to complete voting by 6 pm on Tuesday May 19 for it to be counted.



Whether you are accustomed to writing literary fiction, or even normal short stories or flash fiction, get ready for a challenge! You have exactly 50 words to tell your story. One entry per person so make it your best! YTour topic is open so long as it is exactly 50 words. If you want to see some interesting examples, go to and check out the submissions. Members will again vote for the group winner, but site creator Tim Sevenhuysen is our guest judge for the month and says that he will publish the winners on his site. Submissions are made to [address removed] through the month of May. I will post them in the beginning of June without names attached.

Remember that to enter, you must have a current paid membership.



Running the group requires a lot of resources. We pay for guest speaker meals, speakersystems, microphones, batteries, signage, the Meetingup administration and web hosting, and other expenses associated with the group  Starting in June, membership will be $36 for the year. But for the month of May, you can still renew your membership for just $30. You can renew through the meetup site or write a check. Checks or cash get paid to Gary Zenker, not Main Line Writers Group (the group name is how we operate but I cannot cash checks made out to the group).

Thanks all! See you Wednesday, May 15.