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From: Gary Z.
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2015, 7:49 PM

Hello Authors.

A couple of important updates:


There's still time to vote on our March contest focused on the theme WORK. If you entered, part of the agreement was that you would read them all and vote. If you didn;t enter, the entrants are depending on you to read all the pieces and vote for the three that you think are the best. To read the pieces, go to and click on the menu item CONTEST. The password is NillaWafers    all one word, caps as shown.

To vote, enter this into your web browser: or go to the recent posts and select March Contest: Work and the survey voting address is there.. You only have until Tuesday at 6 pm. And remember these are longer format entries so give yourself enough time to read them all.



Our writing assignment for May is Fifty Word Stories. For those of you writing novels, this will either be your easiest or hardest writing assignment ever. It's even challenging for those who write longer flash fiction. The theme can be anything you want but you have to tell your story in EXACTLY FIFTY more and no less.

To see some examples, check out Tim Sevenhuysen's web site He will also serve as a guest judge and tells me he plans to publish the winners on his site. Woo hoo!

You have until May 31 to make your submission to [address removed]. I only have two so far, so try your hand at it and submit yours now. Expand your horizons...or in this case, you may be shrinking them a bit,



Sorry to keep hacking at you about this one. I feel like PBS. To run a group the right way takes some moolah. It pays for guest meals, the Meetup fees, the web hosting fees, batteries, sound system, printing, etc.

Starting in June, annual dues will be $36 (still a bargain at just $3 a meeting). You can renew until the end of May at the old rate of $30. If you look online, I think you can see your status when you come to the Main Line Writers group page. If you believe that your membership status is incorrect, please contact me to correct it. Otherwise, you membership may be due. I will offer an alternative of paying for single meetings at $8 at the door but I am hoping the annual membership price will encourage people to get the membership which in turn will encourage them to come often which in turn (i'm getting dizzy from all the turning) makes for a better group.

You can pay the membership online or by check made out to Gary Zenker at the meeting.

Hope to see you all in June. Don;t forget to vote and submit!

Gary Zenker

[address removed]

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