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#YolandaPH Volunteers Needed -

From: Marv de L.
Sent on: Saturday, November 16, 2013, 10:33 PM

Dear Freelancers,

Please visit if you wish to: (1) share your talent in copywriting, graphic design, coding; (2) donate and help pack relief goods; or (3) volunteer in transporting, counselling and taking care of Yolanda survivors.

Use Facebook log-in (for security and credibility of posts) and use the site. Start helping #readyPH and #helpPH match goods + relief centers + vounteers. 

If you have friends who want to donate and know of efforts, please tell them about this! 

Freelancers, let's unite and help our brothers and sisters in the Visayas to rise from this calamity.



PS Our Facebook Page,, is now up!  I shall be sharing updates from via our Facebook page.  Please like our page.

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