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Freelance Blend Podcast now in iTunes

From: Marv de L.
Sent on: Saturday, January 4, 2014, 10:46 PM

Hello Freelancers,

I hope you had a Happy Holiday Celebration and I am wishing everyone a Prosperous 2014.

I would like to announce that the Freelance Blend Podcast is (finally) now available in iTunes! Please do me a huge huge favor and subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.  In doing so, you will help put us in the New and Noteworthy section of iTunes.

If you are not familiar with podcasts, here are the simple, step-by-step instructions on how to download it:
1. Mac or PC
- If you are using a computer (Mac or PC) and you don't have iTunes, go to this link first to download iTunes.
- After downloading, open the iTunes App and search for "Freelance Blend Podcast". Or you can also go to this link: and click "View in iTunes".
- Once you see the podcast entitled Freelance Blend Podcast, just click the "Subscribe" button.

2. iPhone, iPad or iPod
- If you don't have the Podcast app, go to the App Store and search for "Podcasts" (made by Apple). Download the Podcasts app.
- Open the Podcasts app and click the Search icon.
- Search for "Freelance Blend Podcast".
- Once you see the podcast entitled Freelance Blend Podcast, just click the "Subscribe" button. 

That's it! Meanwhile, please spread the love by sharing this email to your friends.

Thanks a lot.

All the best,


P.S.  The Freelance Blend website is also now available.  Kindly visit us at and let us know if you have suggestions or tips on how we can improve the website by leaving a comment.  In fact, it is OUR website so we would like to it to be as useful and entertaining as possible.  Cheers!