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Mindful Weekend in May

From: TomC
Sent on: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 11:19 AM
Here's your last chance to sign-up for our mindful weekend at Morse Mountain the first weekend in May. We have three slots open and would love to have you join us. Activities includes some sitting and walking meditation, mindful nature exploration, friendly and inspiring discussion, optional DVD with Eckhart Tolle, and much more. We'll have great food, comfortable sleeping accommodations, and a beautiful house with extraordinary views to stimulate our sense and create a wonderful weekend experience with like-minded spiritual travelers. Hope you can join us. Sign-up here:

A Mindful Weekend Experience

Feel free to forward this to others who might be interested. It is the success of programs like this that will make it possible for us to offer more similar programs in the future.

Best wishes,
TomC, Mindfulness Meetup Organizer

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