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Reiki Healing Circle of Love TONIGHT in Hollywood

From: Rev Adriana Hari Gobind Kaur J.
Sent on: Saturday, February 16, 2013, 11:15 AM

Sat Nam divine souls!! my beloved and I are so excited to gather with you all once again for another evening of healing and deep relaxation. It is a special weekend where we share and express our deepest emotions with those we love dearly bring your hunnie, your mom, sister or brother, auntie or uncle, your gramms, your friends and anyone you know whom could benefit from receiving the warm and amazing healing energy of Reiki. See you there!

....Reiki Practitioners are welcome to join the group and share your hot hands with the circle :)


House of Bread Spiritual Center

3rd Saturday of the month

New Precession Cycle: Guest Reiki Master Series - Welcomes Rev. Adriana


In the Age of Aquarius it’s NOT an ending, but a new beginning as Mother Earth's, also known as Pachamama, processional cycle begins once again, Earth's pole lifts itself from the galactic waters of life and the evolutionary cycle of the soul begins. Water precipitates from the substance from which stars are born. Mother Earth as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency of consciousness and a new and special era will begin... This era will be very positive. 'Lets all begin to rise... The times are here for total Spirithood...The spirit beings, different philosophies, different races must begin to weave together all knowledge to create the tapestry of harmony and balance... The elders and descendent masters ordered much spiritual work bringing together many indigenous tribes from many countries to perform 'planetary acupuncture.'

As we enter a New Precession Cycle of Mother Earth and the Universe, the House of Bread Spiritual Center serves as a community gathering to all Souls for healing, love and light.

Fee is $10 or * Love offering *
Free Parking * Handicap Accessibility and Accommodations *
NOTE: You may bring your own cushion or pillow for your comfort in case we don't have enough for everyone.

We are on State Rd. 7 just north of Taft St. on the east side (right hand side if traveling from the South side, on the left hand side if traveling from the North) of the road, directly across the street of McDonalds, behind the Lutheran Church. Go to the rear of the church and you will see a large parking lot and the entrance door. If your traveling via the Turnpike, take the Hollywood exit go east (right turn) then go north on State Rd 7 (same as 441 and 60th Ave.) Sheridan St does NOT have a Turnpike exit. Must exit Hollywood if traveling via the TP



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