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Meteor :: Tuesday Night Schedule!

From: Steven
Sent on: Sunday, March 30, 2014, 6:33 PM

Sorry for the late updates -- we've got a great meetup planned for beginners and advanced Meteories alike.

Please come with charged laptops + ideas for the 2nd half



6:00pm: Connections :: Drinks + Snacks

6:45pm: Starter Talk: Under The Hood with Blaze, Meteor's new Rendering Engine

7:15pm: Blaze Q/A

7:30pm: Chillout break

7:45pm: Design Lightning Talk

8:00pm: Hands On, with MeteorNY projects

----- ROOM 1: Building a Meteor Blog < 30 mins (Beginners)

----- ROOM 2: Grow Your Idea (Intermediate/Advanced)

---------------- A.  D3 + Meteor ( Nitya )

---------------- B. ( Steven )

---------------  C.  Bring your project idea / work in progress!




STARTER TALK : "Blaze: Under The Hood with Meteor's New Rendering Engine" (Speaker: Abigail Watson)

A review of the changes Blaze brings, and various examples of porting to the new structure. Advanced talk, followed by Q/A



Our monthly 5 minute presentation by one of our artist or designer friends working on cool / fun projects


BREAKOUT 1:   Building a Meteor Blog < 30 mins (Beginners)

Abigail Watson will lead a step by step session to help beginners get set up with Meteor. Covering the basics, and by the end, you'll have your very first Meteor app.

BREAKOUT 2:   Grow Your Idea (Intermediate / Advanced)

Pair up with folks working on a diverse set of projects in Meteor. Steven Dale is porting a Rails project, Nitya Narasimhan is working with D3. Bring your project, find a pair, and get crackin. Sharing open source projects on group account is highly encouraged.

Plan on lending a hand and learning from your neighbor...


The Meteor NYC team 


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