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Thurs Night Update!

From: Steven
Sent on: Saturday, February 22, 2014, 11:05 AM

Hello + a quick update Meteorites!

Apart from the featured Meteor talks planned for Thursday night, several friends are stopping by to share their awesome design and art projects with us. Our goal is to cross-pollinate communities, so it should be a great way to balance a Meteor deep dive with nuggets of tangential fun:

1) Ben Norskov + co., game designers from Antidote Games, will be presenting "Crafting Social Algorithms"

2) Designer + artist Bland Hoke behind FlutterTunnel + Softwalks will be walking us through crafting unexpected public art projects in "Designing for Serendipity"

3) And we're waiting for details of our third talk..

We'll also probably sprinkle these Lightning Talks throughout the night to keep things flowing...

Lastly, please update your RSVP's too - it really helps planning, getting enough food/drink

See you Thursday!

- The MeteorNYC Team


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