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Looking for some peer programming / help debug performance issue

From: Richard K.
Sent on: Saturday, November 14, 2015, 11:09 PM
Hi Meteor NY!

I'm running into some performance issues for a project i'm working on.

I'm using Meteor with Angular 1 on Mongo.

I have 3,000 documents in my collection and I'm loading a sorted 10 documents at a time via pagination.

Locally it runs fine, but when I host it on *, as well as on a dedicated heroku dyno, I'm having serious performance issues when trying to load any of the pages (a 20-60 second delay with additional odd behavior).

I'm reaching close to 10 hours trying to figure this out and could use some help!

I have a feeling this is a small issue that should take a more experienced developer less than 1 hour to diagnose/debug and less than 1 hour to fix/refactor.

If anyone is interested in helping me - please message me off list. I can give more details with the issue and discuss hourly arrangement.


Richard Kuo
[address removed]
Skype: richard.p.kuo

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