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Action Alert: The Obama Faith-Based Initiative: We're Still Waiting

From: Ruthe
Sent on: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:00 PM

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The Obama Faith-Based Initiative: We're Still WaitingTell the President What YOU Think

Government-funded religious discrimination, proselytizing and praying on the government dime, misuse of funds, direct funding of houses of worship, religious selectivity, lack of transparency, and political posturing. When former President Bush implemented his Faith-Based Initiative, these church-state violations and others became a major focus for those of us at Americans United and for all those who care about constitutional freedoms and responsible social service provision.

On behalf of our membership, we've fought against these abuses for years. Despite a few victories along the way, we knew it would take a change in Administration to undo the wrongs caused by the Faith-Based Initiative. So when President Obama took office a year ago after having promised to reform the Faith-Based Initiative and eliminate government-funded discrimination and proselytizing, we shared the hope that many in our country felt at that time. Sadly, things haven't turned out as we had hoped.

A year later, the architecture of the President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative stands untouched by President Obama. Every dollar that is funneled to social services via the federal government is subject to the exact same set of rules and regulations put in place by the Bush Administration. That means that an otherwise qualified individual can STILL be turned away from working for a government-funded program based on his or her views about religion - and the President has done nothing about it yet. Worse yet, President Obama has hand-picked a personal collection of religious leaders to serve as a body of policy advisors, entrenching the Initiative even further while refusing to make much-needed changes.

Yesterday, our Executive Director, Rev. Barry Lynn, wrote a letter to the White House expressing his deep concerns on these issues. Today, we need you to do the same. Contact the White House and federal agencies to urge the President to make the changes we were promised. The civil rights and religious liberty abuses under the Faith-Based Initiative cannot go on any longer!

For more information, please call (202)���[masked]���or email [address removed].

You can also help by making a donation.
�� 2010 Americans United for Separation of Church and State