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New Meetup: NIce nTuesday, first round of the season

From: matthew
Sent on: Monday, March 29, 2010, 10:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for MoKan Tennis Group!

What: NIce nTuesday, first round of the season

When: Tuesday, March 30,[masked]:15 PM

Loose Park Tennis Courts
5200 Summit
Kansas City, MO 64112

OUR Newest assistant organizer, JON, posted that he wanted to play Tuesday around 5 and the response has been very strong. I can take a hint and good ideas develop easy so we are making it an official meetup.

So if you want to play come on by the LOOSE PARK courts tomorrow about 5 and seek out JON. Everyone is welcome.

The great weather and Jon invite you.

And don't forget Thursday's Kick Off Party at the Waldo Bar and Grill..see the Meetup Calender for more details.

Learn more here:

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