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It"s 9 a.m. , Do you know where your racket is?

From: matthew
Sent on: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 9:18 AM
Don't forget this Thursday, April 1 (no fooling) is the first ever Tennis Kick Off Party at the Waldo Bar. Romona (the owner) offered to put out some complimentary hordoves or hoursdovers or odurves, (what I mean are appetizers).

Look at our calendar, this is the only event on the schedule, how sad. It is time to write this wrong. We're looking for ideas to fill the schedule, all you need is an idea a time and a place. So if you have an idea for a weekly time and place or a one time event let us know.

Please plan on attending. Check the calendar to RSVP and get the details.

I'll be easy to find, look for the guy with the shaved head and tennis racket.

Matthew [masked]